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GCS 32.141-91

标准名称 加拿大CGSB标准—新鲜,冷藏或冷冻鱼和鱼产品
标准名称(英文) Fresh, Chilled or Frozen Fish and Fish Products
ccs ics [{"uid":"67.120.30"}]
发布日期 1991-12-01 实施日期
发布单位 加拿大通用标准委员会
[{"filename":"新鲜,冷藏或冷冻鱼和鱼产品.pdf","fileurl":"/upload/2020/note_attachfiles/111268/attachfiles/新鲜,冷藏或冷冻鱼和鱼产品.pdf","truename":"杨淳","uploadtime":"2020/3/4 16:39:34","userid":"10111"}]

This document has been converted to a Government of Canada (GC) Standard in November 2014. Its previous designation was 32.141M. The original content has not been modified.


1. This specification gives requirements for fresh, chilled or frozen fish including lobster, crab and squid. It also includes processed products thereof such as dressed fish, fillets, steaks, fish sticks or portions, that may be raw, cooked andor breaded, and imitation crab meat produced from surimi. This specification is intended to be used by food services in procurement of food.

2. With the exception of fish fillets (par. 6.3), this specification does not cover detailed requirements on sampling, examination or lot acceptance, nor does it cover definitions of defects or defect classification, since these aspects are covered by the Fish Inspection Regulations and the applicable product standards and inspection manuals of the Depamnent of Fishenes and Oceans (par. 2.1.1).
