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GCS 32.44-92

标准名称 加拿大CGSB标准—分割牛肉
标准名称(英文) Beef Cuts
ccs ics [{"uid":"67.120.10"}]
发布日期 1992-12-01 实施日期
发布单位 加拿大通用标准委员会
[{"filename":"分割牛肉.pdf","fileurl":"/upload/2020/note_attachfiles/101165/attachfiles/分割牛肉.pdf","truename":"杨淳","uploadtime":"2020/2/13 16:33:57","userid":"10111"}]

This document has been converted to a Government of Canada (GC) Standard in November 2014. Its previousdesignation was 32.44. The original content has not been modified.



1、This specification applies to fresh and frozen beef carcass, and cuts such as primals, subprimals, roasts and portion control cuts. It is primarily intended to be used by food services in procurement of food.

2、The following publications are applicable to this specification:

(1)Canadian General Standard Board (CGSB) 

     32.72——Handing, Packaging and Labelling of Meat, Poultry and Fish for Services.

(2)Canadian Meat Council

    Food Service Meat Manual.

(3)Department of Agriculture

    The Canada Agricultural Products Standards Act.

    The Beef Carcass Grading Regulations.

    The Meat Inspection Act and Regulations.

(4)Department of National Health and Welfare

    The Food and Drugs Act and Regulations.
