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备案号 10330
风险类别 2类
产品品牌 La Nougaterie Québec
产品通用名称 手工棉花糖 - 水果味;棉花糖 - 什锦味;牛轧糖 - 枫糖榛子味 - 软牛轧糖 - 焦糖;软牛轧糖 - 柠檬;软牛轧糖 - 香橙
产品代码 6 27843 03542 8;unavailable;unavailable;8 14208 00124 6;unavailable;unavailable;8 14208 00123 9;6 27843 03542 8
产品规格 200 g;150 g;125 g;100 g;125 g;125 g;100 g;100 g
召回原因 过敏原 - 牛奶、芝麻、大豆、亚硝酸盐、小麦
召回细节 Ottawa, January 13, 2016 - La Nougaterie is recalling various nougats and marshmallows from the marketplace because they may contain wheat, sesame seeds, milk, soy and sulphites which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to wheat, sesame, milk, soy or sensitivity to sulphites or gluten should not consume the recalled products described below. The ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ) transmitted an alert to the news media today concerning affected products. Please click on the following link for details: http://www.fil-information.gouv.qc.ca/Pages/Article.aspx?aiguillage=ajd&type=1&idArticle=2401137366.
召回日期 2016-01-13